What kind of problems do you most often treat?
I deal with a wide variety of issues, including depression, anxiety, self-esteem problems, self-critical tendencies, obsessive symptoms, marital conflicts, feelings of inadequacy, sleep problems, work difficulties, and sexual dysfunctions.
Why would I choose to see you rather than another therapist or psychiatrist?
I am an experienced practitioner and teacher of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, as well as a physician. My combined expertise in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and psychiatry allows me to provide what each individual person needs rather than any single method or therapy.
Why is it important that you prescribe medications and also provide therapy?
I have experience in prescribing antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, as well as sleep medications. I can give an informed opinion about whether these will be helpful. Through psychotherapy, I can also treat the causes behind your problems. I do not overmedicate my patients.
Why is psychotherapy important?
The personal relationship between the family doctor and patient has been weakened. Patients often lack guidance about where to get help. The emotional pain people feel lies beyond the available remedies in the popular culture. As a result, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are very effective. With a therapist who has been trained how to listen and how to invite a person to reflect and talk about their experiences, the patient may begin to find answers and relief.
How do you handle fees and how long do sessions last?
Sessions are typically 45 minutes in length. I can arrange for a double session if there is a long commute or other unusual circumstance. Ordinarily, I issue bills at the end of the month. I do not take insurance, but I work with my patients to help them obtain reimbursement.